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Smile Simulator

iTero Smile Simulator - Burlingame OrthodontistWhen you are thinking about the different orthodontic options you no longer have to imagine the improvements you will see in your smile. With the latest 3D imaging technology, Burlingame Smile Studio can give you a preview of your brand new smile using iTero digital imaging.

How Smile Simulation Works

At Burlingame Smile Studio we will use 3D imaging software to create a rendering of your smile in its current state. We will then apply the the changes you can expect after your orthodontic treatment so you can see the results before you even begin!

Using the image of your new smile we can then place your new pearly whites into an image of your face so you can get the full effect of your brand new smile.

Digital Smile Design

During the 3D imaging process we will work with you to design the most effective treatment plan to get your teeth straightened in a way that compliments the other features of your face. We often refer to this process as designing your new smile. We can use this technology to develop a custom treatment plan to meet your smile goals.

Benefits of Smile Simulation

Smiling woman tipping her hat to show contentment.When you decide to have your teeth straightened it is important to know what to expect. By using technology to develop a smile simulation, you can see your expected results and be confident that you are making a sound investment.

Other benefits to smile simulation include:

  • Visualization of your smile before treatment begins
  • The ability to make changes based on your goals
  • Develop custom treatment plans for your desired outcome


Our iTero Element 2 scanner allows us to take immensely detailed scans of your mouth. These scans are so precise and so effective that we can even make a digital model of your teeth with no need for any physical impressions or uncomfortable molding processes.

These digital impressions are used for a number of treatments, including the design of orthodontic aligners, treatment plans for braces, crafting of orthodontic appliances, retainers, and so much more.

3D Oral scanning is quick, accurate, and completely radiation-free, making it invaluable as a modern piece of dental technology.

Get Your Smile Simulation Today

Contact Burlingame Smile studio in Burlingame, California to schedule your consults and see the results before you begin your orthodontic treatment with us. Call our office at 650-231-2680 or fill out this contact form for more information.


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